Request Deletion of Your Account

Your Daily™ takes the handling of your data very seriously. You can read about the details in our Privacy Statement. But we also understand and respect that you might want to be assured that there is no chance of any of your sensitive data being exposed once you have stopped using our services.

Upon your request, we will remove all data from your account that could possibly be used to identify you and associate you with it. We will continue to maintain the remaining data as an anonymous account, for use in statistical and usage analysis, which allows us to examine how users interact with the app and ultimately, make the app better for current and future users.

An example might be removing your name, email address, and billing address (if you provided it), but maintaining data about which videos you watched and which articles you read. This data is no longer associated with you personally, and it allows us to count how many users watched those videos and read those articles, so that we can see which ones are resonating more with users, giving us direction to create more content like that in the future.

We would also continue to store your responses to any assessments that you took as part of the Reset Program or another course. But again, these responses would no longer be associated with you personally. So the responses would only be used to identify trends across all users, so that we could better tailor course content to other users moving forward.

If you would like us to delete your personal data, as described above, please fill out and submit the form below. Please use the email address that you used when signing up for your account. After submitting the form, a confirmation code will be sent to this email address to verify your identity.