The following events are for members-only. Head to the Your Daily app, click on the EVENTS tab, and register.
If you aren’t a member yet: Members get access to free courses and bi-monthly workshops. You can join the membership here, we’d love to see you!
People-pleasing is a survival response—not a personality trait. Learn why it feels like a gut punch and you want to run away and hide when you make “boundaries.”
Join us in this one-hour self-care class to learn a tool to learn to say no, and mean it.
March 8th
8am PT/9am MT/10am CT/11pm ET/4pm GMT
FREE for Members
Shawna Bigby Davis, CHC
Grab a cup of tea and join us on an informal Zoom session where we answer your questions in real-time.
We’ll start with a ground exercise and a short coaching topic, then go round-robin with questions and coaching.
April 16th
10am PT/11am MT/12pm CT/1pm ET/6pm GMT
FREE for Members
Shawna Bigby Davis, CHC
If you feel physically sick when someone is upset with you, your nervous system is in a fawn response.
Learn how to shift out of it and feel safe prioritizing yourself.
May 17th
9am PT/10am MT/11am CT/12pm ET/5pm GMT
FREE for Members
Shawna Bigby Davis, CHC
Grab a cup of tea and join us on an informal Zoom session where we answer your questions in real-time.
We’ll start with a ground exercise and a short coaching topic, then go round-robin with questions and coaching.
June 18th
10am PT/11am MT/12pm CT/1pm ET/6pm GMT
FREE for Members
Shawna Bigby Davis, CHC
You don’t have to be “nice” to be worthy. Learn how to detach from approval-seeking without losing connection with others in this one-hour self-care class.
July 13th
8am PT/9am MT/10am CT/11pm ET/4pm GMT
FREE for Members
Shawna Bigby Davis, CHC